Technical Reports

What are directions for III-V multi-junction solar cell development?

You can find a summary in this technical report: Current directions for III-V multi-junction solar cell development

How are solar cells tested?

What types of monitoring and analysis are used for solar power systems? Read our technical report for an overview. Testing the technology: Necessary capabilities for measuring PV performance

Bifacial PV modules comparison:

J. S. Stein and B. Farnung, editors, with 49 other authors including A. C. J. Russell, C. E. Valdivia, J. Haysom, and K. Hinzer, Bifacial photovoltaic modules and systems: Experience and results from international research and pilot applications, International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme, Task 13, IEA-PVPS T13-14:2021, April 2021. DOI: 10.2172/1779379 and IEA website 

What are multi-junction solar cells?

How do they work? What types of systems use them? Read our technical report for an overview. High-efficiency multi-junction solar cells: Current status and future potential

How do PV systems perform in Ottawa?

These two reports were completed in collaboration with Hydro Ottawa Limited.

Ottawa PV energy yield calculations:

A new analysis of the parameters of a flat panel PV energy yield calculation installed in Ottawa, with a goal to generate the highest return of investment through maximizing the total amount of sunshine on the panel. A New Angle on Energy Optimization of a microFIT PV